Probably the healthiest dessert you’ll ever make…

Sometimes, you just need a treat.

I find myself craving a little something sweet every so often to bring closure to a delicious, balanced meal, but even vegan, gluten free options aren’t necessarily healthy. So you can imagine my excitement when I ran across this one-ingredient ice cream recipe that tastes even better than it sounds. Ready for it?

Banana Ice Cream. Made out of….bananas. Weird.

It’s seriously so easy its criminal, and there are plenty of fun things you can add to switch up the flavor so you don’t get bored eating it a few times a week.

Photo Credit: Skinny Taste


1. Peel and freeze a bunch of bananas. <– Peeling is important, if you freeze them prior to peeling you will end up having to cut off the peel

2. Place one frozen banana in a high powered blender, and blend until creamy!

3. You can add some almond milk to thin it out, or nut butter to make it thicker. Other delish add ons include:

  • Dark chocolate or raw cacao powder
  • Coconut
  • Vanilla extract
  • Honey
  • Dates or raisins
  • Nuts of your choice
  • Fresh fruit
  • Cinnamon

I love making this with nut butter, vanilla stevia and some kind of chocolate mixed in…ahhh its to die for!

Today is day 3 of the cleanse! I’m going to do an extra day cause I feel awesome. We’ll be posting our results and review tomorrow so stay tuned! Happy Wednesday lovebugs!

❤ Sarah