Energizing Green Smoothie

If you guys haven’t figured this out yet, I’m obsessed with green smoothies. They are a daily staple for me, sometimes more than once a  day. I’m always looking for ways to switch it up to avoid boredom (because you likely also now that I get bored super easily), so when I ran across this recipe from People’s Food Co-op, I got really excited.

This smoothie features matcha, a powdered form of green tea that I’m completely addicted to. If you’ve ever had a green tea Frappucino from Starbucks, it’s very similar. Definitely an acquired taste for some (I know a few who hate it), but it’s my absolute favorite way to drink tea. I switched up the original recipe a little bit by adding spinach and stevia for a dose of greens and a little sweeter taste. You can also use agave or honey depending on your preference.

Energizing Green Smoothie

1 avocado

1 cup spinach

3 tablespoons matcha green tea powder

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 1/2 cups un-milk, such as almond milk

Stevia, to taste

2 cups ice

Blend all ingredients in a high powered blender and enjoy!

Loving the nicer weather – definitely planning on getting some outdoor activities on the books for this weekend! What are you loving most about spring so far?

❤ Sarah

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