All-Day Breakfast

By now, you are well aware of obsession with brunch, but back when I was in school, breakfast was easily my least favorite meal. After late nights of studying (or other activities) I never had much of an appetite before class. I used to force myself to eat something just because I knew all the benefits of kick starting the morning off right –>have to get that metabolism going<–

Well boy have the tides changed! Especially since my workouts typically take place the second I roll out of bed, my stomach is practically growling before I can get food into it.  I make it a point now every morning to get up and whip something together before heading off to work.  I have a number of go-tos: smoothies, veggie scrambles, oatmeal, cereal, my version of a breakfast sandwich or scramble wrap, rice cakes w/ almond butter and banana or greek yogurt w/ fruit and granola.  In honor of my new-found love for breakfast, last week I decided to take one day and solely stick to breakfast food. Quick and easy meals, here’s what I came up with:

The Menu

For Breakfast: Puffins peanut butter and chocolate cereal w/ almond milk and diced banana

For Lunch= Green Smoothie

1 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
7 almonds
1/3 cup non-fat greek yogurt
1/2 cup almond milk (can be more but I like mine thicker)
Handful spinach
1/2 scoop Whey Vanilla protein powder
Dash of cinnamon
Optional: If I’m feeling naughty 1/2-1 tbsp PB or almond butter

For Dinner: Veggie Scramble (pic was taken half way through)

2 eggs
Diced onion
Died jalapeno
Handful spinach
Cherry tomatoes
Black beans

Topped w/ avocado and salsa
Don’t forget your snacks as well!
In the spirit of Halloween I figured since Sarah got to show off her pumpkin earlier this week, I might as well too.  I know you’re all jealous of my creativity… I’m just a little scared of sharp objects.
Any ideas for last-minute Halloween costumes? I’m running a little low on time!
❤ Jamie